She Had His Back



She Rose Through The Ranks Of The American Civil Service System By Working Hard Just Like 300 Million Of Us Folk Are Doing.   She Is A True Soldier Of Public Service.   Capture The Formula Of Her Success. It’s Open Source And Is Brought To You By Life.

Computers And You


computers-and-you glide church

Before There Was Google, Or A!, Or SF Tech Community There Was Computers And You.
Jan And Cecil Williams Creators  Of Glide’s Computers And You.

I Thank The Reverend Cecil Williams For Creating An Environment That Tooled Me To Filter And Flow Data Into An Energy Of Empathy.

By Now They Be Grovin In Some Parallel Galaxy That Don’t Need Social Justice. Dataho


Nancy Pelosi Medal Of Freedom


President Biden Awards Presidential Medal Of Freedom To House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

President Biden Awards Presidential Medal Of Freedom To House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. A San Francisco Legend. This Woman Is The Stuff That Immortal Cell Lines Are Made From.

A Real OG Louis Vitale .OFM

Police take Father Louis Vitale into custody in front of the St. Francis Hotel In San Francisco, Image: Paul Chinn/The Chronicle

Louis Vitale .OFM