Fent Bent Fiends From Red States like Ohio Seek Sanctuary In San Francisco.


Deport Them To Marlargo


Nearly half of San Francisco drug users are visitors, fueling debate on aid to poor and addicted



She Had His Back



She Rose Through The Ranks Of The American Civil Service System By Working Hard Just Like 300 Million Of Us Folk Are Doing.   She Is A True Soldier Of Public Service.   Capture The Formula Of Her Success. It’s Open Source And Is Brought To You By Life.

San Francisco General Urgent Care Managed To Personify Wellness



Image: zuckerbergsanfranciscogeneral.org

Health Care  That Exemplifies Why San Francisco Is The Healthiest City In America.

The Other Day,  I Was In Extreme Pain And, It Needed To Be Managed. I Have Options When It Comes To Where I Want To Get Health Care In This City.  I Decided To Go To San Francisco General Urgent Care, And  The Service Was A+. This Clinic Was Managed To Personify Wellness. I Walked Out With Hardly Any Pain. Also, I Would like To Sing The Praises Of Dr. Yoongi Tom And The Rest Of The Clinical Staff.  Public Service! 

At The Top Of Their Game


Two With Deep San Francisco Ties
Are At The Top Of Their Game.

Golden State Warriors Point Guard Steph Curry And Democratic Presidential Nominee/ SF District Attorney, Kamala Harris,  Represent San Francisco Well.

Vice President Kamala Harris attends practice during the USAB Men’s Training Camp at UNLV in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Tuesday. Photo: Jim Poorten/NBAE

 I Sing Your Praises Mary And Willie Ratcliffe


 I Sing Your Praises!  

Mary And Willie Ratcliffe, Publishers Of The Bay View Newspaper, San Francisco CA.


Mary and Willie Ratcliffe, publishers of the Bay View newspaper. Image: Emma Marie Chiang/Special to S.F. Examiner