Poverty Pimping THC

The Tenderloin Housing Clinic [THC] Is A Nonprofit Tenant’s Rights Organization Located In The San Francisco Tenderloin {TL} Neighborhood. The TL Is the Poorest Community In SF. THC Is Directed By Civil litigation lawyer/Tenant Rights Advocate Randy Shaw.

Supportive Housing; Is Socially Engineering The Lives Of Poor Folk With The Flawed Theory Of Harm Reduction And Supportive Housing.

Poverty Pimping Progressive Non-Profits Like THC Are Institutionalizing Tenderloin SRO Living Environments With The Flawed Theory Of Harm Reduction And Supportive Housing; This Is No More Than Socially Engineering The Lives Of Poor Folk. These Poverty Pimping Progressive Do Not Live In The Tenderloin, Nor Do They Shop At The Corner Store; They Do Not Pay Taxes In San Francisco. Every Night They Tiptoe Silently Out Of The Tenderloin.

THC’s Supportive Housing Program, Is More About The SF Labor Movement, And The Political Activism Of Poverty Pimping Progressives Than It Is About Housing The Homeless.

Supportive Housing Is Endemic Institutional Racism. Supportive Housing Is No More Than The Continuation Of  A Freeman’s Bureau Mentality Where Poverty Pimping Progressive Carpet Baggers Enrich Themselves With Funding From Flawed Tax Payers Funded Programs Like Supportive Housing And Harm Reduction; This Is A Waste Of Tax Payer Dollars. Furthermore; THC’s Micromanaging, Supportive Housing Program, Is More About The SF Labor Movement And The Political Redistricting Of San Francisco Than It Is About Housing. Word!  THC Needs To Be Audited By The Department Of Justice To See If Federal Homeless Funding Has Been Diverted To The San Francisco Labor Movement. A Fact Is That THC Used 39 Jones  As A Staging Area During The Hotel Workers Strike When The SF City Seal Was On The Door. Did THC  Divert Federal Homeless Dollars To The SF Labor Movement?

THC Saw A Revenue Stream And Filed Class Action Law Suits Against Brown Skinned SRO Property Owners In The Tenderloin That Did Not Invest In The Up Keep Of Their Property.

THC Saw A Revenue Stream And Filed Class Action Law Suits Against Brown Skinned SRO Property Owners In The Tenderloin That Did Not Have Access To Tax Payer Funded Supportive Housing Dollars To Invest In The Up Keep Of Their Property. This Is a Great Example Of Institutional Racism In The City Of San Francisco Where White Poverty Pimping Tenant’s Rights Advocates Are Beginning To Control Low-Income Housing. THC Could Have Educated These Brown-Skinned Property Owners About Adhering To SF Residential Building Inspection Codes. However, THC Used The Pettifogger’s Move And Took Legal Action. Tenderloin SRO Property Owners Need To End These Supportive Housing Contracts Upon Their Completion Because San Francisco’s Supportive Housing Program Is Institutionally Racist.

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THC Used The Settlement Money To Finance Their Non-Profit Organization

After Suing These Property Owners, THC Used The Settlement Money To Finance Their Non-Profit Organization. These Class Action Law lawsuits have Rewarded THC Shysters Who Charge Over 30% Per Client In Legal Fees, That Could Have Over 100 Clients. Shysters.

Props To THC For Providing Housing Advocacy Services To Poor Folk In The TL. THC Is A Major Employer Of Home Grown Poor Folk In The City Of San Francisco That Don’t Suck Up Civil Service Jobs.

Trudat Some SRO Property Owners Had Folk Living With Mold And Bed Bugs And Roaches And Mice. Props To THC For Providing Housing Advocacy Services To Poor Folk In The TL. From Modified Payments To Supportive Housing-Master Lease, THC Has Evolved. THC Has Great Intentions. THC Has Significantly Propelled The Evolution Of Poor Folk In The Tenderloin; THC Is A Major Employer Of Home Grown Poor Folk In The City Of San Francisco That Don’t Suck Up Civil Service Jobs.

Yearly, THC Receives Over 50 Million Dollars In City, State, And Federal Funding

Now, THC Is Managing The Same SRO They Sued; They Manage Property For The City Of SF’s Supportive Housing-Master Lease Program That Houses The Homeless. Yearly, THC Receives Over 40 Million Dollars In City, State, And Federal Funding To House The Homeless In San Francisco! THC Profits From The Existence Of Poverty.

Click View THC FINANCIAL 2022 THC 2022 Revenues

Many Folk Were Living Peacefully In These Properties Before THC Took Over

Many Folk Lived Peacefully In These Properties Before THC Took Over Property Management And Brought An Institutional, Micromanaging, Mentality Of Addiction, Elder Abuse, And Property Destruction To TL SROs. There Were A Lot Of Working And Retired Folk Living Obscure But Very Meaningful Lives In TL SROs Before The Invasion Of Supportive Housing.

Some Soul That Labored At UCSF, Changing Bed Pans For 30 Years, Would Like To Relax And Enjoy Their Golden Years

Some Soul Who Labored At UCSF, Changing Bed Pans For 30 Years, Would Like To Relax And Enjoy Their Golden Years;  Instead, They Got The bum rush Of Housing The Homeless, And All The Behavioral Modification That Comes With A Socialized Supportive Housing Living Environment. Then There Is Folk Like Randy.

Randy Was Introduced To Meth By A THC Supportive Housing Client Who Preyed On Randy’s Disability

Randy Was Blinded From Birth. He Resided At The Boyd Hotel For Over 30 Years; He Was An Original San Franciscan. He Had No Substance Abuse Issues. Shortly, After THC Took Over Property Management Of The Boyd Hotel, Randy Was Introduced To Meth By A THC Supportive Housing Client. This BMFAMF Preyed On Randy’s Disability To Maintain His Meth Madness.

I Truly Believe, If THC Did Not Take Over Property Management Of The Boyd, Randy Would Be Alive

A Couple Of Years Ago, Randy Died Of Stomach Cancer, Which Was Probably Worsened By His Meth Use. Where Was The Support For Randy? I Truly Believe, If THC Had Not taken over Property Management Of The Boyd, Randy Would Be Alive. This Is A Common Occurrence In Institutionalized Environments Like Prisons, And SF Supportive Housing, Where Predators Prey On The Weak.

THC Introduced Sexual Assault To The Boyd Hotel.

THC Introduced Sexual Assault To The Boyd Hotel. I Have Been Living Here For Over 30 Years And There Were No Sexual Assaults Before THC. Seriously! None! However; My Mind Was Contorted By The Sexual Assault Of A Tenant Who Is Developmentally Disabled; She Could Not Explain To THC’s Satisfaction What Occurred; The Predator Walked.

These Predators And Poverty Pimps Perpetrate Pain And Suffering On The Most Vulnerable Humans, Who Exist, Voiceless, Amidst The Silence.

This Is A Perfect Example Of What Goes On In Institutionalized Environments. This Is Endemic to the Subculture Of Human Predators That Thrive Amidst The Silence In Institutionalized Environments. However, Poverty Pimping Progressive Pettifoggers Want To Protect The Rights Of Scum That Rape And Brutalize The Voiceless. These Predators And Poverty Pimps Perpetrate Pain And Suffering On The Most Vulnerable Humans, Who Exist, Voiceless, Amidst The Silence. These BMMF Need To Get Got!

Aunt B Used To Sit In The Lobby Of The Boyd Talking To Some Soul.

THC Has Forced Out Tenants Who Were Living At The Boyd Hotel Before They Took Over Property Management For The City Of San Francisco. Aunt B Used To Sit In The Lobby Of The Boyd Hotel, Talking To Some Soul; She Had Full Control Of Her Mind. THC Forced Her To Move On Because Of Her Eccentric Personality.

THC Has Forced Out Tenants Who Were Living At The Boyd Hotel When They Took Over.

Aunt B Caused Less Harm Than Some Of The Dope Fiends That THC Moved Into The Boyd. These Fiends Throw Bloody Needles And Trash Out Of Their Windows. They Purposely Put Used Needles In The Trash. They Stop Up Toilets And Flood The Bathrooms. They Deface And Piss In The Elevator. They Purposely Cook Foiled Food In The Public Microwave. They Check Other Tenant’s Doors To See If They Are Unlocked So They Can Do Thievery. They Purposely Destroy Property. On 8/27/2020, St. Anthony/Mercy Housing Put Up Netting To Stop One Or Two THC Fiends From Throwing Trash Out Of The  Windows Onto Their Property. Is THC A Nuisance To The Tenderloin Community?

Aunt B Caused Less Harm Than Some Of The Dope Fiends That THC Moved Into The Boyd.

Seriously, Folk Lived Peacefully In These Properties, Before THC Took Over Property Management And Brought A Mentality Of Addiction, Codependency, And Property Destruction With Them. Who Advocates For Folk Like Randy?

The Supportive Housing Master Lease Program Has Modified The Social Structure Of Low-Income Housing in San Francisco.

The Supportive Housing Master Lease Program Has Modified The Social Structure Of Low-Income Housing in San Francisco. Before The Mass Destruction Of Low Income Public Housing in San Francisco, Public Housing Was Spread Through Out The City And Was Managed By The City Through The Department Of Housing And Urban Development {HUD} By Way Of Community Development Block Grants-{CDBG}-Federal Funding That Funded Public Housing In America.

A lot Of SRO Rental Units That Used To House Working Folk Have Been Taken Off The Market Because The Supportive Housing Program Is Sucking Up SRO Rental Units.

Now Low-Income Housing In SF Is Concentrated In Tenderloin SROs. San Francisco’s Supportive Housing Programs Managed By Poverty Pimping Non-Profits Like THC Are Housing  Homeless Folk From Opiod Red States In These SROs. A lot Of SRO Rental Units Have Been Taken Off The Market Because The Supportive Housing Program Is Sucking Up SRO Rental Units By Reserving Them For The Homeless. This Displaces Regular Working Folk, And Perpetuates The Dog And Pony Show To House The Homeless.

Poverty Pimping Non-Profits Reinforces A Share Croppers Mentality Of $15 An Hour Jobs While The Directors And Pettifogger Layers Of These Agencies Get Millions In Sf City Contracts To House The Homeless.

The Proliferation Of Poverty Pimping Non-Profits In The Tenderloin Is Stifling The Economics Of Poor Brown And White Folk With Institutionalization. Poverty Pimping Non-Profits Reinforces A Share Croppers Mentality Of $15 An Hour Over Seeing Jobs While The Directors And Pettifogger Layers Of These Agencies Get Millions In Sf City Contracts To House The Homeless; Then They Run For The SF Board Of Supervisors And Get Millions More. These Non-Profits Depend On Being Funded By Government Propositions And Tax Measures That Control The Living Environments Of Mostly Poor Black And White Folk. They Never Encourage Folk To Start A Business, Like Owning Their Own Conner Store. They Never Encourage Folk To Apply For SF Civil Service Jobs That Are Being Sucked Up By The Han’s Silk Road Economics. There Is Not One Black Owned Business In The Tenderloin! Not One!

Poverty Pimping Non-Profits Are Nothing More Than Professional Pan Handlers In Poor Communities.

Poverty Pandering Non-Profits Are Incapable Of Providing A Service To The Overall General Public. Hardly Any Of These Non-Profits Ever Reach The Foundation Status That Consists Of A True Philanthropic Financial Base. Hardly Any Of These Non-Profits Ever Become Self Sufficient Like Delancey Street Or St. Anthony Foundation. Poverty Pandering Non-Profits Are Nothing More Than Professional Pan Handlers In Poor Communities. These Poverty-Pandering Non-Profits Will Never Enable The Folk They Serve To Achieve True Self Sufficiency.

Professional Poverty Pimping Perpetuates A Social Agenda Of Blight, Addiction, Codependency

Once Again, Professional Poverty Pimping Perpetuates A Social Agenda Of Blight, Addiction, Codependency, And Petty Criminality That Has Littered The Streets Of The Tenderloin And Civic Center With Dogs, Shit, Piss, Bloody Syringes, And Tin Foil. Professional Poverty Pimps Profit Form The Existence Of Pain And Suffering.

The City Of SF Demolished Public Housing:

The City of SF Decided To Stop Doing The Day-To-Day Management Of Public Housing. The City Of SF Demolished Public Housing: Geneva Towers, Valencia Gardens, Hays Valley, And The Pink Palace, Forcing Thousands Of Black Americans To Leave The City Of San Francisco. Where Is Our Sanctuary?

This SF Policy Started More Than 75 Years Ago With The Destruction Of The Fillmore

These Properties Could Have Been Refurbished For A Fraction Of The Cost Of Demolition And Rebuilding. There Is Always Money to Be Made When You Demolish And Re-Build Property. However, This SF Policy Started More Than 75 Years Ago With The Destruction Of The Fillmore And The Lie Of SF Urban Renewal. Schemes Scams And Flimflams!

A Lot Of Elderly Black Grand Mothers Were Displaced.

When This Housing Was Rebuilt, Many Black Folks Were Not Allowed To Move Back Into The New Properties.  A Lot Of Elderly Black Grand Mothers Were Displaced. Recently, In SF, Low Income Public Housing Became Affordable Housing Run By Out Of State Private Investors, And Not By {HUD} Or The City Of San Francisco. Where Were You Professional Poverty Pimping Tenants Rights Advocates At When All This Bitch Made Shit Was Going On?

THC Is Now Taking Over SRO Units Reserved For Tenants And Using Them As Office Space.

Now, The Low Rents Poverty Pimping Tenant’s Rights Advocates Used To Pay For Office Space In The Tenderloin Is Increasing. This Office Space Rental Increase Is A Cloaked Issue Of The SF Homeless Crisis Because Tenderloin Non-Profit Office Spaces And Residential SROs Are Zoned In. Poverty Pimping THC Has Taken Over SRO Units Reserved For Tenants And Is Using Them As Office Space. So, You See, it Is Not Just About Housing The Homeless; It Is Also About The Ever-Increasing, Office Space, Rental Rates, In The Tenderloin. An Abomination!

The City Of San Francisco Recently Destroyed The Public Housing System.

It Really Must Be Stressed Again That The City Of San Francisco Recently Destroyed The Public Housing System Which Housed Mostly Black Folk. Many Of These Folk Were Displaced. The Youngsters You See Hanging Out On Jones And Market Used To Hang Out In The Court Yards Of The Places Destroyed. For The Past 75 Years The City Of San Francisco Purposely Displaced Black Folk With Forced Migrations And Racism.

THC Seriously Benefited From The Recent SF Public Housing Destruction.

A Lot Of These Folk Became Homeless And Migrated To The Tenderloin And Were Forced Into Supportive Housing Or Moved To COCO County: Richmond, Antioch, And Martinez. The Tenderloin Housing Clinic Seriously Benefited From This Recent Public Housing Destruction And The Displacement Of Black Folk In San Francisco.

The City Of SF Would Not Allow A Grievance To Be Filed Because THC Was An SF City Non-Profit Contractor. Elevator Service Disruptions Are Detrimental To The Health Of Elderly Tenants.

THC Has Begun To Erode SRO Tenant’s Rights With Burdensome Rules And Regulations; The Denial Of Basic Services, Such As Elevator Operations Is Not Unusual. In The Fall Of 2019, The Elevator At The Boyd Hotel Was Out Of Service For Over 90 Days. A Boyd Hotel Tenant Went To The SF Rent Board To File a Grievance Concerning The Elevator Being Out Of Service And Was Told That The City Of SF Would Not Allow A Grievance To Be Filed Because THC Was An SF City Non-Profit Contractor. Elevator Service Disruptions Of This Amount Of Time Are Detrimental To The Health Of Elderly Tenants.

In 2001, THC Used The Free Labor Of The SRO Collaborative To Organize Boyd Hotel Folk To Sue The Owners Because The Elevator Was Out Of Service.

In 2001 THC Used The Free Labor Of The SRO Collaborative To Organize Boyd Hotel Folk To Sue The Owners Because The Elevator Was Out Of Service; The First Step Was To File A Grievance For A Rent Reduction With The SF Rent Board. Today, Tenants Can No longer Take This Action Because THC Is A SF City Non-Profit Contractor.

In General, Non-Prophets Need To Stop Pimping Volunteers.

Oh! By The Way, THC Should Be Paying SRO Collaborative Folk Who Organize These Legal Actions A Wage. However, Poverty Pimping THC Won’t. SRO Collaborative Members Need To Think About Getting Back Wages. In General, Non-Prophets Need To Stop Pimping Volunteers.

A Tenant Fell To His Death In An Elevator, At A THC-Managed Property In 2015.

Let Us Not Forget That A Blind Tenant Who lived At The Hartland Hotel, A THC Managed Property, Fell To His Death In An Elevator In 2015. This Was Negligence By The Tenderloin Housing Clinic. There Needs To Be A City Investigation Into This Elevator Death. However, In The City Of San Francisco, It Seems The lives Of Poor Brown And White Folk Are Worthless.  Once Again, Where Is Our Sanctuary?

THC Created An Institutionalized Living Environment In TL SROs By Manipulating City Laws That Govern How SROs’ Are Run.

THC Has Created An Institutionalized Living Environment In TL SROs By Manipulating City Laws That Govern How SROs’ Are Run. Tenant Visitors Are Subject To A Cumbersome Sign In And Out Policy; Tenants Have To Arrange When Visitors Can Stay Over-Nite. Management Berates Tenants When There Are Discrepancies. Visitors Have To Show State Issued ID To Visit Tenants. Residents Are Not Allowed To Have Visitors On The First Of The Month. THC Management Gets Glee From Refusing Tenants Visitors; This Is A Prison-Type Mentality. This Is Some Institutionalized, Racist Ass Shit That Even Undocumented Immigrants Aren’t Subjected To. Once Again, Where Is Our Sanctuary?

Supportive Housing Environments Are Extremely Expensive To Maintain. Surely, All This Fake Ass, Inferior Housing Being Constructed In San Francisco Will Come Tumbling Down When The 9.5 Quake Comes.

In Addition, Supportive Housing Environments Are Extremely Expensive To Maintain Because Of High Administrative Costs. San Francisco’s Supportive Housing Program Will Become Just As Expensive As The California Department Of Correction Was. Let’s Get Real About This Stupidity, Everyone Can’t Live In San Francisco.  Build Some Low-Income Housing In Texas, Oklahoma, Idaho, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, And All The Other Health Care Refusing Red States Where Fent Fiends Are Coming From.  Surely, All This Fake Ass, Inferior, Housing Being Constructed In San Francisco Will Come Tumbling Down When The 9.5 Quake Comes.

THC-SRO Collaborative Members Have Physically Assaulted Tenants In The Name Of THC

Thuggery Is A Tactic THC Uses To Intimidate Tenants; THC-SRO Collaborative Members Have Physically Assaulted Tenants In The Name Of THC At The Boyd Hotel. Tenants That Complain About A Few Idiot Ass THC Staff Members Are Told That They Are A Nuisance And Will Be Evicted Or That They Should Move Somewhere Else. Even The Director Of THC, Randy Shaw, Told A Tenant That Had A Grievance That Maybe He Should Move Somewhere Else; A BM Shyster Poverty Pimping White Privilege!

Once Again, Folk Lived Peacefully In Tenderloin SROs Before Poverty Pimping THC Came.

This Ain’t Nothing New; My Folk Has Been Hearing, “Move On”, and “You Don’t Belong Here”, For Over 300 Years. Once Again, Folk Was Living Peacefully In Tenderloin SROs Before The Bums Rush Of Supportive Housing And THC. We Will Be Here When Your Funding Disappears Because We Are Truly The Meek.

Write-Ups Are Associated With Jails, Prisons, Inner City Public School Systems, lying Ass Cops, And THC,

Written Violations Are A Specialty Of THC; This Institutional Norm Is Associated With Jails, Prisons, Inner City Public School Systems, lying Ass Cops, And THC. These Write-Ups Are Often Fraudulently Fabricated To Ensure A False Paper Trail When THC Tries To Evict Tenants For Being A Nuisance. These Write Ups Always Threaten Tenants With Eviction.

Be Aware Of [The Spooks Who Sit By The Door] They Got Skills, And Are Out To Expose BMMF Institutionalized Racism.

THC Has A History Of Fabricating Facts, Especially During Legal Actions Against Brown-Skinned Property Owners. This Behavior Trickles Down To THC Support Staff Who Fabricate Facts About Tenants When Writing Them Up. You Fakes And Frauds Need To Be Aware Of [The Spooks Who Sit By The Door]. They Got Skills, And Are Out To Expose Institutionalized Racism.

At The Boyd Hotel, There Have Been Two Suicides Since The Tenderloin Housing Clinic Has Taken Over Property Management.

These Write-Ups Stress Out Folk Already Experiencing A Plethora Of Diseases, Such As Hypertension, Diabetes, Depression, And Psychological Issues. At The Boyd Hotel, There Have Been Two Suicides Since The Tenderloin Housing Clinic Has Taken Over Property Management. Could These Write-Ups Have Played A Part In These Suicides? Yes! No! Maybe So! This Is An Abomination.

A lot More Could Be Done With The 50 Million Dollars THC Receives:

A lot More Could Be Done With The 50 Million Dollars THC Receives: Wi-Fi Should Be Provided For Tenants; SF Tech Companies Would Be Thrilled To Do This For Free. However, Poverty Pimping THC, And Other Professional Panhandlers, With A Fiend Mentality, Will Always Block Anything Thing The Tech Economy Wants To Do On A Philanthropic Level, Except For Donating Cash Money To Their Organizations. Poverty Pimps Will Always Demand Their Cut. A Dope Fiend Move.

There Should Be A Fridge And Microwave In Every THC Unit.

There Should Be A Fridge And Microwave In Every THC Unit. The Tenants Lobby Needs To Be Operable Twenty-Four Seven. There Needs To Be A Line  Audit Of Funding Going To SF Supportive Housing Programs By State, Federal, And City Auditors, And Not By Private Accounting Firms.

Poverty Pimping Progressive Pettifoggers Ganged Up On Mayor London Breed With Rank Choice Voting.

These Audits Need To Be Done Especially With the Passing Of Proposition C To Fund More Homeless Services. I Applaud SF Mayor London Breed For Asking For A Serious City Audit Before Any Proposition C Funds Are Dispersed. Proposition C Funding Was The Main Reason That Poverty Pimping Progressive Pettifoggers Ganged Up On Mayor London Breed With Rank Choice Voting. Sometimes Things Are About Destiny. Ask Kamala!

For Poverty’s  Sake Give The Hospitality House Something Serious.

The City Of SF Needs To Enforce Fiscal Compliance Monitoring Procedures For These Non-Profit Supportive Housing Contractors. For Poverty’s  Sake Give The Hospitality House Something Serious. The Greed Of These Poverty Pimping Progressive Pettifoggers Will Be Checked.

In A Social Service Environment, Client Confidentiality Is A Cardinal Rule. Tenants’ Privacy Rights Should Be Taken Seriously At THC Managed Properties.

The Constant Intrusions Of Tenant’s Privacy By THC Management Staff Discussing Tenant Confidentiality In Front Of Other Tenants And Staff Is Absurd. In A Social Service Environment, Client Confidentiality Is A Cardinal Rule And Are Governed By Strict State And Federal Laws; This Is A Serious On Going Issue At THC. Tenants’ Privacy Rights Should Be Taken Seriously At THC Managed Properties.

Very Poor Folk Are Always Subject To Space Violations.

Frivolous Justifications To Enter Tenant’s Dwellings Is Some Fake Ass Shit. This Is A Continuation Of The Intrusive Public Housing Inspections And Jail Cell Checks Black Folk Have Experienced For Generations. “Hide That Iron; Here Comes The Welfare Lady”.  Poor Folk Is Always Subject To Space Violations.

Folk That Live Somewhere For a While Will Accumulate Property.

Poverty Pimping The Hoarding Concept, By Telling Tenants That Their Units Should Be As Bare As Jail Cells Is What One Would Expect From Anal Retentive, Poverty Pimping Progressive Pettifoggers. Folk That Lives Somewhere For a While Will Accumulate Property.

There Was A Homicide In Front Of The Boyd. Bullet Holes Shattered The Lobby Windows.

In The Summer Of 2017, There Was A Homicide In Front Of The Boyd. Bullet Holes Shattered The Lobby Windows Of The Boyd Hotel. THC Had To Install Level 1 Bullet Prof Glass In The Lobby. This Is Due To The Constant loitering Near THC Managed Property. A Day Or Two After This Murder, THC Convened A Meeting. SF City Officials And A Couple Of THC Middle Managers Showed Up. THC Director Randy Shaw Was Not At This Meeting; A Weak Man’s Move. Do Black Lives Matter To Randy Shaw?

For All It Wants To Be, The Tenderloin Housing Clinic Is A Nuisance To The Tenderloin Community.

On October, 15th, 2019, At The Same Exact Spot. There Was Another Homicide In Front Of The Boyd Hotel, Which Is A THC Managed Property. For All It Wants To Be, The Tenderloin Housing Clinic Is A Nuisance To The Tenderloin Community. Today Boyd Tenants Are Suing THC And The City For Allowing On-Going Safety Issues In The 100 Block Of  Jones Street.

THC Occupies Four Rooms Provided To THC Staff As Offices At The Boyd Hotel.

Once again, It Is Wrong That In A Housing Crisis For The Homeless In The City Of SF THC Occupies  Rooms Provided To THC Staff As Offices At The Boyd Hotel; These rooms Should Be Giving Shelter To Those Folk Experiencing The Pain And Suffering Of Homelessness, Or At least Make One Into A Break Room For THC Staff. 

Labor Laws And Worker’s Regulations Should Not Be Posted In The Tenant’s Lobby; They Need To Be Posted In The Supportive Housing Manager’s Office Or Staff Break Area.

In Addition, Labor Laws And Worker’s Regulations Should Not Be Posted In The Tenant’s Lobby, They Need To Be Posted In The Supportive Housing Manager’s Office Or Staff Break Area. THC’s Kindergarten Pettifogger Mentality Allows Paper To Be Plastered All Over The Boyd Hotel. Tenants Always Have Notices Plastered On Their Doors. Is There Not Such A Thing As A Mail Box For Messages And Notices; One Did Exist At The Boyd Until The Tenderloin Housing Clinic Took Over Property Management. Also, THC Management In-Stalled Low Flush Pressure Public Toilets That Constantly Get Stopped Up. This Stupidity Puts Pressure On The Janitorial Staff Who Have To Constantly Unstop These Cheap Ass Toilets. THC Works  Janitorial Staff Like They Are Slaves. Pure Poverty Pimping. This Administrative Nonsense Is What Makes Supportive Housing So Expensive.

This Is Also The Fault, Of  The San Francisco Supportive Housing Program With A Budget Of  $672 Million In FY 2022-23 That Support Homeless Folk Comimg Basically From Red States That Don’t Give A Fuck About Poor Folk. This Is Some Real Poverty Pimping Shit.

The Supportive Housing Program Needs to Quantify Quality Of Life Data Of Folk It Serves With As Little Intrusion As Possible. The Supportive Housing Program Needs To Start Screening And Triaging The Health Of Every Person Coming Into The Supportive Housing System. Furthermore, THC’s Constant Posting Of Rules And Regulations, And Never Any Information About Staying Healthy Is The Norm For A Prison-Like Environment. This Is Also The Fault, Of  The San Francisco Supportive Housing Program With A Budget Of  $672 Million In FY 2022-23 That Support Homeless Folk Comimg Basically From Red States That Don’t Give A Fuck About Poor Folk. This Is Some Real Poverty Pimping Shit.

The Stench Of Death Is Overwhelming. The Stench Of Death Can Linger For Weeks.

T here Were Ten Preventable Deaths At The Boyd Hotel In 2020. The Stench Of Death Is Overwhelming. The Stench Of Death Can Linger For Weeks. The Stench Of Death Is In The Business Of Imposing Long-Lasting Psychological Trauma On Folk. And THC Has Not A Clue Of What To Do. Is THC A Merchant Of Death? This Is Seriously Some Shameful Shit.

This 10-Hour Response By THC Is Some Shameful Shit. However, This Is How Poverty Pimps Roll. This Is The Reality Of Black Men In San Francisco

The Death Of Michael Biggs Is Concerning Because Boyd Hotel Management Was Notified By A Tenant In The Afternoon That There Could Be Something Wrong With Mr. Biggs. However, When That Tenant Got Home In The Evening, He Went To The Desk Clerk And Demanded That Mr. Bigg’s Residence Should Be Entered. Where Upon, Mr. Biggs Was Found Dead. This 10-Hour Response By THC Is Some Shameful Shit.  There Needs To Be A Coroners Inquiry.  However, This Is How Poverty Pimps Roll. This Is The Reality Of Black Men In SF. Where Is Our Sanctuary?

Complete Medicals Should Be Mandatory For Folk Entering Supportive Housing.

Complete Medicals Should Be Mandatory For Folk Exiting Shelters And Entering Supportive Housing. Screen Folk Who Suffer From Diabetes And Hypertension And Addiction, Or Just The Ware And Tare Of Homelessness. Divert Some Of That Obama Care Money That Go Mostly To Administrative Costs, And Truly Improve The Quality Of Life Of Poor Folk.

Give Homeless And Supportive Housing Folk A $25 Gift Card, From Hotel Funding, To Get Tested For COVID-19. There Would Be 100% Participation.

Poverty Pimping Progressive Pettifoggers Need To Stop Bitching About The Lack Of Affordable Health Care And Access For Poor Folk What Is Already Available. This Is Simple! Give Homeless And Supportive Housing Folk A $25 Gift Card, From That Massive Yearly, 250 Million Homeless Budget To Check For Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, And COVID-19; There Would Be 100% Participation.

Opiate Overdose Deaths In The Supportive Housing Program Are Out Of Control Because Harm Reduction Is A Joke; Harm Reduction Is A Co-Dependent Of Opiate Addiction.

This Would Screen Folk With Serious Medical Conditions Such As Diabetes, Hypertension, And Opiate Addiction. Opiate Overdose Deaths In The Supportive Housing Program Are Out Of Control Because Harm Reduction Is A Joke; Harm Reduction Is A Co-Dependent Of Opiate Addiction. Educate Folk About Their Health. This Would Decrease The Pain And Suffering Of Poor Folk And Get Rid Of The Stench Of Death. Quantify The Quality Of Life Of Poor Folk. Stop Juking Supportive Housing And Homeless Data.

Centralizing Data Integrity Among All SF Homeless Programs Is Paramount.

Centralizing Data Integrity Among All SF Homeless Programs Is Paramount. This Would Enhance Fiscal Compliance Monitoring That Would Begin To Direct Folks To Exactly The Services They Want And Need. Referential Integrity Of Data Would Improve Poor Folk’s Quality Of Life And Delete Wasteful Supportive Housing Spending. $672 Million Yearly.

It Is An Abomination That THC Does Not Provide Wi-Fi Access For Its Tenants Or Internet Access For Its Desk Employees.

In The Age Of Information Technology, It Is An Abomination That THC Does Not Provide WI-FI Access For Its Tenants Or  Its Desk Employees, Or Even An Internet Accessible Computer For Tenants to Use In The TV Room At The Boyd Hotel. Seriously, This Is 2023. However, I Would Expect Nothing More From Professional Poverty Pimping Progressive Pettifoggers Who Want To Micro Manage The Lives Of Unfortunate Poor Black And White Folk.

This Might Be Okay To You Boot Lickers, But To Real Working Folk, This Is Some Shyster Shit.

Supportive Housing Costs Need To Be Capped. In Particular, Administrative Salaries. The Director Of  Tenderloin Housing Clinic, Randy Shaw, Pulled In $174,883 In 2020 While Janitors And Desk Clerks Were Getting $15 An Hour. This Might Be Okay To You Boot Lickers, But To Real Working Folk, This Is Some Shyster Shit That SF Tax Payers Are Subjected To.

Is THC Using Federal And State Supportive Housing Dollars Toward Political Activities?

Is THC Using Federal And State Supportive Housing Dollars Toward Political Activities? District 5 Supervisors Dean Preston Has Serious Ties To The Tenderloin Housing Clinic; Did He Receive  Supportive Housing Dollars From THC When He Ran For SF Board Of Supervisors?  Dean Preston Was A Sue Happy THC Lawyer. In Addition, Did District 5 Supervisor Dean Preston And THC Fiddle With The Last City Voter Redistricting So That THC Supportive Housing Properties Are In His District? Some Shyter Shit.

IS THC Jeopardizing Funding To Other Supportive Housing Programs That Play By Rules?

This May Seem Trivial To Poverty Pimping Progressive Pettifoggers, Such As THC, However, Using Federal Funding That Is Stipulated To House The Homeless For Union And Political Organizing Will Have The DOJ Sticking Their Foot All Up In THC’s Ass, And Will Jeopardize Funding To Other Supportive Housing Programs That Play By Rules.

Supportive Housing Funding Needs To Be Distributed Fairly

SFSupportive Housing Funding Needs To Be Distributed Fairly, And Not Just To Poverty Pimping Nonprofit Carpetbaggers Who Know How To Manipulate The System To Maximize Funding For Their Non-Profit Organization So They Can Hire Friends And Family As Administrative Staff And Pay Them Excessive Salaries.

Fund After School Programs For Poor Living In South East San Francisco With The Same Vigor Homeless Programs Are Funded.

SF Needs To Fund After School Programs For Poor Children Living In South East San Francisco, With The Same Vigor They Fund Supportive Housing And Harm Reduction Programs For Homeless, Shop Lifting, Red State, Meth, And Opiate Dope Fiends, That Flock To The Tenderloin Because They Can Live The Dope Fiend Life Without Any Consequences. This Behavior Would Not Be Tolerated In Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Or Even, Alameda County.

HEAP Still Exists, Because Other Tenants Not Affiliated With THC Still Get HEAP Rebates.

THC Is Doing Something Fishy With HEAP Funding. {HEAP} Is A Federal Energy Assistance Program That Gives Low-Income Folk Who Pay Rent An Energy Assistance Rebate. Before THC Took Over Property Management Of The Boyd, Tenants Got HEAP Rebates Every Year. HEAP Still Exists, Because Other Tenants Not Affiliated With THC Still Get HEAP Rebates. I Suspect, THC Is Purposely Taking The Tenant’s HEAP Funding And Putting IT Towards Its General Operating Budget. This Could Be Illegal!

Most Dope Fiends That Support The Drug Market In The TL Live In THC Managed Properties, That Randy Shaw Directs.

THC Director Randy Shaw’s Attack On The Open-Air Drug Market In The TL Is Bunk Because Most Of The Dope Fiends That Support The Drug Market In The TL Live In THC Managed Properties, That Randy Shaw Directs. This Thinking Is A Continuation Of The SF Racist Drug War Where Black Folk Were Imprisoned For Mainly The Possession Of Crack Cocaine And Marijuana.

The Tenderloin Housing Clinic Is A Major Contributor To The Disease Of Addiction In The Tenderloin.

Until THC, At Least Attempts To Offer Clean And Sober Living Environments Or Recovery Meetings Onsite, Or Makes A Serious Attempt At Harm Reduction, The Tenderloin Housing Clinic Will Be A Major Contributor To The Disease Of Addiction In The Tenderloin. Once Again, The Tenderloin Housing Clinic Is A Nuisance To The Tenderloin Community.

Tenants Respect THC Support Staff. I Ain’t Got Nothing But Love For The Working Folk At THC.

Overall, The Support Staff At THC Are Cool Folk With Flavor, Pizzazz, And A Bit Of Sass; Tenants Respect THC Support Staff. I Ain’t Got Nothing But Love For The Working Folk At THC. However, It Is THC Management With Their Poverty Pimping, Micromanaging, Grant Writing Mentality That Wants To Control The Sugar Intake Of Tenants, While Opiate Overdose Deaths Are Out Of Control At THC Managed Properties. That’s The Fuckin Problem. Of Course, Homeless Folk Need A Place To Live. Put Up Some Tents For Them In Your Back Yard.

As I Said Before, Folk Lived Peacefully In The Tenderloin Before The Bums Rush Of THC And Supportive Housing. Of Course, Homeless Folk Need A Place To Live. So You Poverty Pimping Progressives Need To Take Some Of Them Home With You; Put Up Some Tents For Them In Your Back Yard. Let Them Piss And Shit And Smoke Fent In Front Of Your Kids. Shameful Shit!

Institutionalized Poverty Pimping; It Is Entrenched In The Social Institutions Poor Folk Use Such As The Public School System, Public Housing, Prisons, And The Tenderloin Housing Clinic.

There Will Never Be Economic Equity Or An End To Institutionalized Poverty Pimping And Racism As Long As America Practices Institutionalized Poverty Pimping; It Is Entrenched In The Social Institutions Poor Folk Use Such As, The Public Schools System, Public Housing, Prisons, And The Tenderloin Housing Clinic. The Practice Of Institutionalized Poverty Pimping Must Stop.