D6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey

Supervisor Matt Dorsey And Vice President Kamala Harris Image From mattdorsey.org

Supervisor Matt Dorsey’s Personal Experience With Addiction And Recovery Makes Him The Prime Energy Source That Will Begin to Heal Those Suffering From The Disease Of Addiction And Homelessness In The  Tenderloin.
You Can Already See A Dramatic Change In Mid Market. No More Fent Bent. Can’t Have  Fiends  Freaking  With  Morpheus In The Noon Day Sun On Market.

There Will Be Hell To Pay When The Medical Bill For This Fent Epidemic Arrives. And The Irony Of This Will Be That A Lot Of These Folks Migrate From States That Don’t Care For Folk To A Sanctuary City That Does. Triage This Shit Now.

The City Needs To Open Up 24-Hour Drop-In Centers That Are Away From The Poverty Pimping Sector Of The Tenderloin. There Is A Hella Lot Of Open Space Near SF State. Folk Would Come That Far For A Chance At Recovery.  

Contract It Out To An Organization Like The St. Anthony Foundation.  They Got Serious Experience In Long Distance Recovery; They Used To Send Folk To A Dairy Farm In Petaluma.  Addiction Is A Communicable  Disease When In A Gaseous State. Fent Fumes Are Nauseating. Babies In The Tenderloin Got To Smell This Shit.