D6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey


Supervisor Matt Dorsey And Vice President Kamala Harris Image From mattdorsey.org

Supervisor Matt Dorsey’s Personal Experience With Addiction And Recovery Makes Him The Prime Energy Source That Will Begin to Heal Those Suffering From The Disease Of Addiction And Homelessness In The  Tenderloin. Continue reading

Glides Recovery Model


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Waste That Layers Jones, Mid-Market, And 6th Street, Is About The Disease Of Addiction.

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No More Anything Goes


“No More Anything Goes Without Accountability. No More Handouts Without Accountability,” San Francisco Mayor London Breed. Image Open AI

“No More Anything Goes Without Accountability. No More Handouts Without Accountability,” San Francisco Mayor London Breed Continue reading

Jude’s Elder Abuse

Jude’s Elder Abuse By the Tenderloin Housing Clinic Was So Apparent. For Over 10 Years, Jude, Who Was Developmentally Disabled Suffered From The Indignity Of Rape And Bullied Drug Addiction On The 3rd Floor Of The Boyd Hotel, Which Is Managed By The Tenderloin Housing Clinic, And Financially Funded By The San Francisco Supportive Housing Program. Continue reading

San Francisco’s Racist Drug War

For 30 Years, The City of San Francisco Waged A Drug War On Black San Franciscans For The Possession Of Crack Cocaine And Marijuana. Black Communities, Such As Bay View Hunters Point, The Fillmore, Western Addition, The Mission, And the Tenderloin Suffered. Continue reading

Poverty Pimping THC


The Tenderloin Housing Clinic [THC] Is A Nonprofit Tenant’s Rights Organization Located In The San Francisco Tenderloin {TL} Neighborhood. The TL Is the Poorest Community In SF. THC Is Directed By Civil litigation lawyer/Tenant Rights Advocate Randy Shaw. Continue reading

Climate Change Stuff

For 4.5 Billion Years, The Planet Earth Has Experienced Climate Change. A Decrease Or Increase In Earth’s Temperature Over Millions And Billions Of Years, That Change Earth’s Atmospheric Gases And Carbon Cycles. These long-term Term Orbits Create Glacial And Tropical Atmospheres That Change Earth’s Biological And Physical States Through A Process Called Weathering.

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