SFPD Just Enforce The Law


sfpd police chief William Scott

California Penal Code [CPC] §647(f) – Public Intoxication Is About Anyone is found in a public place under the influence of a controlled substance,[1] with the result that the person can’t care for his or her own safety or the safety of others.


Fent Bent Fiends From Red States like Ohio Seek Sanctuary In San Francisco.


Deport Them To Marlargo


Nearly half of San Francisco drug users are visitors, fueling debate on aid to poor and addicted



She Had His Back



She Rose Through The Ranks Of The American Civil Service System By Working Hard Just Like 300 Million Of Us Folk Are Doing.   She Is A True Soldier Of Public Service.   Capture The Formula Of Her Success. It’s Open Source And Is Brought To You By Life.

Good Policing By SFPD


Shooting July 5th, 2024 100 Block  Of  Jones ST About 10:30 PM  No Body Injured. Spent Rounds In Front Of Boyd Hotel, Which Is A THC-Randy Shaw Supportive Housing Managed Property.  This Is Probably The Most Violent Block In The City Of San Francisco And Has Been For The Past  10 Years.  2 Homicides On This Block The Past 8 Years. This Is Dean Preston’s District 5 And Is A Result Of A Socialist  Mentality Of Letting People Do What They Want To Do In The Hopes That This Type Of Madness Will Result In Civil Discourse And Destruction. Continue reading

Dean Preston Liquor Stores

dean-preston-liquor-stores dataho

Dean Preston Represents District Five
Which Has The Greatest Concentration Of
Liquor Stores In San Francisco. 


SF Mayor London Breed Law Enforcing.

Raised In The  Plaza East-OC’s During The Crack Epidemic She Knows A Little Something About The Subject.

