Fent Bent Fiends From Red States like Ohio Seek Sanctuary In San Francisco.


Deport Them To Marlargo


Nearly half of San Francisco drug users are visitors, fueling debate on aid to poor and addicted



 I Sing Your Praises Mary And Willie Ratcliffe


 I Sing Your Praises!  

Mary And Willie Ratcliffe, Publishers Of The Bay View Newspaper, San Francisco CA.


Mary and Willie Ratcliffe, publishers of the Bay View newspaper. Image: Emma Marie Chiang/Special to S.F. Examiner

Good Policing By SFPD


Shooting July 5th, 2024 100 Block  Of  Jones ST About 10:30 PM  No Body Injured. Spent Rounds In Front Of Boyd Hotel, Which Is A THC-Randy Shaw Supportive Housing Managed Property.  This Is Probably The Most Violent Block In The City Of San Francisco And Has Been For The Past  10 Years.  2 Homicides On This Block The Past 8 Years. This Is Dean Preston’s District 5 And Is A Result Of A Socialist  Mentality Of Letting People Do What They Want To Do In The Hopes That This Type Of Madness Will Result In Civil Discourse And Destruction. Continue reading

Dean Preston Liquor Stores

dean-preston-liquor-stores dataho

Dean Preston Represents District Five
Which Has The Greatest Concentration Of
Liquor Stores In San Francisco. 


SF Mayor London Breed Law Enforcing.

Raised In The  Plaza East-OC’s During The Crack Epidemic She Knows A Little Something About The Subject.



San Francisco Is The Healthiest City In America


San Francisco Is The Healthiest City In America. Would You Expect Anything Less From a Mayor Who Led San Francisco Through The Coronavirus Crisis Like A True Champion?


There Is A Subculture Of Cruel Criminality

There Is A Subculture Of Cruel Criminality That Exist Within The SF Dope Fiend Community That Is Undetectable By Using 010010010100110000101010. These Crimes Go Unreported Because Of The Fear Of Retaliation. Continue reading

Triage Homeless Addicts

Triage Homeless Addicts In San Francisco By Introducing Them To The Health Care System. Give Addicts Gift Cards To Get Blood Sugar And Blood Pressure Taken. Check Folks Health Care Now, At Least The Vitals. Engage Folk With Open Wounds And Abscesses And If Needed 51/50. There Are A Lot Of Preventive Amputations Down Here This Is True Harm Reduction That Can Be Done By Repurposing Current Funding

VP Kamala Harris The Noble Path


Kamala Harris, Current Vice President Of The United States- Some Mississippi Masala. Photograph By Elena Dorfman / Redux

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No More Anything Goes


“No More Anything Goes Without Accountability. No More Handouts Without Accountability,” San Francisco Mayor London Breed. Image Open AI

“No More Anything Goes Without Accountability. No More Handouts Without Accountability,” San Francisco Mayor London Breed Continue reading