There Is A Subculture Of Cruel Criminality

There Is A Subculture Of Cruel Criminality That Exist Within The SF Dope Fiend Community That Is Undetectable By Using 010010010100110000101010. These Crimes Go Unreported Because Of The Fear Of Retaliation. Continue reading

Dean Preston

Supervisor Dean Preston Represents District 5.  Before Supervisor Dean Preston; District 5 Was Represented By Mayor London Breed. Then Sup Vallie Brown. About 10 Years Ago, The Haight Asbury Sector Of District Five Suffered From The Exact Same Problems The Tenderloin Is Now. Tent Encampments, Sidewalk Blockings.   Open Air Drug Use. This Was A District 5 Haight Ashbury Problem Until Residents Stood Up To This Madness And It Was  Moved To The Tenderloin. 

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Triage Homeless Addicts

Triage Homeless Addicts In San Francisco By Introducing Them To The Health Care System. Give Addicts Gift Cards To Get Blood Sugar And Blood Pressure Taken. Check Folks Health Care Now, At Least The Vitals. Engage Folk With Open Wounds And Abscesses And If Needed 51/50. There Are A Lot Of Preventive Amputations Down Here This Is True Harm Reduction That Can Be Done By Repurposing Current Funding

VP Kamala Harris The Noble Path


Kamala Harris, Current Vice President Of The United States- Some Mississippi Masala. Photograph By Elena Dorfman / Redux

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Homelessness Dog And Pony Show


If  Just a Fraction Of This Money Went Toward Funding After School Programs In South East San Francisco Or The San Francisco Unified School District, Every Thing Would Be Alright. If The City Of San Francisco Does Not Fund The Public School System; The  City Will Be Dealing With Homelessness 30 Years From Now. Continue reading

D6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey


Supervisor Matt Dorsey And Vice President Kamala Harris Image From

Supervisor Matt Dorsey’s Personal Experience With Addiction And Recovery Makes Him The Prime Energy Source That Will Begin to Heal Those Suffering From The Disease Of Addiction And Homelessness In The  Tenderloin. Continue reading

Glides Recovery Model


Google Maps

Waste That Layers Jones, Mid-Market, And 6th Street, Is About The Disease Of Addiction.

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No More Anything Goes


“No More Anything Goes Without Accountability. No More Handouts Without Accountability,” San Francisco Mayor London Breed. Image Open AI

“No More Anything Goes Without Accountability. No More Handouts Without Accountability,” San Francisco Mayor London Breed Continue reading

Fentanyl Fumes And Children.

The City Of San Francisco Needs To Consider Monitoring  The  Toxicity Of Fentanyl Fumes In An Area As Dense As The Tenderloin; There Are Thousands Of Children In The Tenderloin That Are Subjected To These Fumes. At Least Give Them Some Warning.

Jude’s Elder Abuse

Jude’s Elder Abuse By the Tenderloin Housing Clinic Was So Apparent. For Over 10 Years, Jude, Who Was Developmentally Disabled Suffered From The Indignity Of Rape And Bullied Drug Addiction On The 3rd Floor Of The Boyd Hotel, Which Is Managed By The Tenderloin Housing Clinic, And Financially Funded By The San Francisco Supportive Housing Program. Continue reading

Poverty Pimping THC


The Tenderloin Housing Clinic [THC] Is A Nonprofit Tenant’s Rights Organization Located In The San Francisco Tenderloin {TL} Neighborhood. The TL Is the Poorest Community In SF. THC Is Directed By Civil litigation lawyer/Tenant Rights Advocate Randy Shaw. Continue reading

Climate Change Stuff

For 4.5 Billion Years, The Planet Earth Has Experienced Climate Change. A Decrease Or Increase In Earth’s Temperature Over Millions And Billions Of Years, That Change Earth’s Atmospheric Gases And Carbon Cycles. These long-term Term Orbits Create Glacial And Tropical Atmospheres That Change Earth’s Biological And Physical States Through A Process Called Weathering.

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