Fent Bent Fiends From Red States like Ohio Seek Sanctuary In San Francisco.


Deport Them To Marlargo


Nearly half of San Francisco drug users are visitors, fueling debate on aid to poor and addicted



She Had His Back



She Rose Through The Ranks Of The American Civil Service System By Working Hard Just Like 300 Million Of Us Folk Are Doing.   She Is A True Soldier Of Public Service.   Capture The Formula Of Her Success. It’s Open Source And Is Brought To You By Life.

 I Sing Your Praises Mary And Willie Ratcliffe


 I Sing Your Praises!  

Mary And Willie Ratcliffe, Publishers Of The Bay View Newspaper, San Francisco CA.


Mary and Willie Ratcliffe, publishers of the Bay View newspaper. Image: Emma Marie Chiang/Special to S.F. Examiner

Chinatown’s Opium Dens

Enforce The Law California Penal Code [CPC] §647(f) – Public Intoxication – California’s law against Public Intoxication applies whenever anyone is found in a public place under the influence of a controlled substance,[1] with the result that the person can’t care for his or her own safety or the safety of others. Continue reading

Dean Preston Liquor Stores

dean-preston-liquor-stores dataho

Dean Preston Represents District Five
Which Has The Greatest Concentration Of
Liquor Stores In San Francisco. 


Nancy Pelosi Medal Of Freedom


President Biden Awards Presidential Medal Of Freedom To House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

President Biden Awards Presidential Medal Of Freedom To House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. A San Francisco Legend. This Woman Is The Stuff That Immortal Cell Lines Are Made From.

A Real OG Louis Vitale .OFM

Police take Father Louis Vitale into custody in front of the St. Francis Hotel In San Francisco, Image: Paul Chinn/The Chronicle

Louis Vitale .OFM

Sound Urban Development For SF

Limit The Height And Scale Of Developments In All Areas Of The City To A 7 Storey With Retail Options.   This Is Seismological Sound Urban Development For A  City Prone To Earth Quakes. More 4 Storey  Apartment Housing Needs To Be Constructed In NW And SW San Francisco. We Need To Understand That Everybody Can’t Live In The City. In the Past  20 Years, There Has Been A Mass Construction Boom In The San Francisco Downtown Area.   Seismological Sound Urban Development Would Be To Redevelop Unused Office Space Into Housing.  More 4 Storey  Apartment Housing Needs To Be Constructed In NW And SW San Francisco And That SF State Area.

Toxic Sewage Fumes 100 Block Of Jones


For 3 Years About Noon, There Have Been Toxic Sewage Fumes In The 100 Block Of Jones Street. I Believe The City Tried To Remedy The Problem To No Avail.  Dean  Preston This Is Your District   You Are On Notice.  St. Anthony Foundation You Are On Notice Because Folk Eating There Should Not Have To Endure This Type IT!

Mark Farrell

San Francisco Mayoral Candidate, Venture Capitalist Mark Farrell. Is Venture Capitalism Real Economics?  Or A Con. Yes! No! Maybe So!  Can You Trust Venture Capitalist Mark Farrell Not To Take San Francisco On Another Adventure Of Crazed Capitalism That Wants To Put Cars Back On Market Street That Pollute The Air? It’s About Breathing Easy While We Can. The Climate Is Changing.  A Public Servant, Mark Farrell Is Not. 

Fentynol Exposure And Babies


Abbie Yant serves as the Executive Director for the San Francisco Health Service System (SFHSS) https://sfhss.org/meet-executive-director

Continue reading

Triage Homeless Addicts

Triage Homeless Addicts In San Francisco By Introducing Them To The Health Care System. Give Addicts Gift Cards To Get Blood Sugar And Blood Pressure Taken. Check Folks Health Care Now, At Least The Vitals. Engage Folk With Open Wounds And Abscesses And If Needed 51/50. There Are A Lot Of Preventive Amputations Down Here This Is True Harm Reduction That Can Be Done By Repurposing Current Funding

D6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey


Supervisor Matt Dorsey And Vice President Kamala Harris Image From mattdorsey.org

Supervisor Matt Dorsey’s Personal Experience With Addiction And Recovery Makes Him The Prime Energy Source That Will Begin to Heal Those Suffering From The Disease Of Addiction And Homelessness In The  Tenderloin. Continue reading